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Individual counseling is designed to help those struggling with unwanted sexual behaviors, and for Individual help for those betrayed by their spouse's behaviors.
Couples Counseling helps couples as they navigate pornography use, affairs or other unwanted sexual behaviors and the betrayal the discovery of those behaviors brings.
Studies show that couples who engage in the healing process together have significantly higher success rates than individuals who do counseling alone.
Recovery groups are essential for healing and recovery. It's is a safe place to share, be encouraged and heal alongside other's who understand.
Men's Unwanted Sexual Behavior Recovery Group is designed to help men establish sobriety, ensure healthy living and move into lasting recovery in a safe environment.
Men's Empathy Builder Support Group equips men to be a support to their spouse as she heals from her betrayal trauma. When men master their emotions, they can be safe.
Men's outdoor activities that use nature to connect with others and rejuvenate the soul. Join us each month as men from around the sound get out, unplug, and relax.
Expert-led, hands on learning experiences that focus on recovery and healing. Offering practical skills and deeper access to your story, moving you toward freedom and out of the rut of relapse.
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